Trying out this new design for my blog. It fits with my current web page much better. Still need to redesign the header to fit the wider space. Also working on updating my web page this weekend. Hope to get the updates loaded later this week. So much has been going on this summer, I feel like I will have time to relax once school starts.
I gave an altered book workshop yesterday at Tyler D Studios. It went very well. I will be offering many more workshops there during the coming year on a variety of topics through the S.T.A.R.T. program at Jerry's Artarama. The acronym stands for Stop Thinking Art is Really Tough. The classes will be 2 hours long, include all materials and cost $30. The classes are geared towards people just starting out in art, although there will also be information offered for those further along with their skills. I am so used to working with different levels of experience in a single class that this should not be a problem.
The opening of mine and Ed's show at Tyler D Studios was very well attended. We had friends come from as far away as Greenville and Wilmington, NC. One came from New Orleans, LA! It was wonderful seeing all our old friends and family. It is also nice to have that big event behind me so I can concentrate on other things. Well, back to my webpage.